Pelvic Floor Exercises For Women
Whether it’s improving your sex life by reducing pain during sex and improving the quality of the sex or helping to prevent leakage from the badder or bowel, pelvic floor exercises for women are important. Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles that support the bowel and bladder, they also help when you’re pregnant by providing support for the baby and aiding during labor and delivery. When you have strong pelvic floor muscles, you won’t worry as much about wetting your pants when you sneeze or cough, which can occur after pregnancy or later in life.
You need to identify your pelvic floor muscles and can easily do it.
When you urinate, it takes muscles to try to stop the flow of urine once you start. Try it the next time you go to the toilet. Notice the muscles you’re using and work on those. The Kegel exercise is one pelvic floor exercise you can do any time, anywhere. It’s simply contracting and relaxing the same muscles you use when you stopped your urine. Nobody will know while you’re doing it, but it can build strength in those muscles and help prevent urine leakage. Start with ten to fifteen squeezes and don’t forget to breathe as you’re holding them tight. Work your way up to more.
Try a clamshell exercise.
While the Kegel is a great exercise for the pelvic floor, but it’s also good for core muscles, the bottom and hips. Lie on your side with your head resting on the hand of the lower arm. Your knees should be bent at a 45-degree angle and the arm on top should be at your side to steady your frame. Keeping your feet together, raise your knee like a clam shell opening. You need to pull in your abdominal muscles to keep your spine and your pelvis stable.
Squats can help the pelvic floor.
The type of squat makes a difference on whether it builds the pelvic floor exercises. Shallower and narrow squats are far better than ones that you go down deeper that don’t work the pelvic muscles. Stand with your feet at hip-width, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Lean forward slightly and keep your back straight as you bend your knees, lowering yourself toward the ground. As you return to standing position, focus on tightening the pelvic floor muscles. Do a set of ten, rest and do another set.
- You can do pelvic floor exercises if you’re pregnant and even before you get pregnant. It makes delivery easier and can prevent incontinence after delivery.
- Pelvic floor exercises can help prevent back pain from standing prolonged periods. They help posture and prevent developing pelvic organ prolapse.
- A strong pelvic floor not only helps prevent leakage, it can mean a flatter stomach. As the pelvic floor weakens it causes your organs to droop, pushing against the spine and stomach, causing the stomach to develop a pooch.
- The focus should always be on technique and not on how many you can do. Many of these exercises are ones we do a The Worx. We’ll help you with technique because doing them right is important.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
The Best Recipes For Meal Prep On A Budget
One of the best ways to ensure you eat healthier is to do meal prep. I often have clients at The Worx in Alexandria, VA, ask for tips and recipes for meal prep on a budget. I have some favorites that my family loves and some big aids that are generalized to help you no matter what your food preferences. It can start by using some tried and true options, like beans and rice or making soup. You can save money by planning your meals around the sales at groceries and shopping on one day, after you ate, so you don’t buy anything else. When you do food prep, make double. You can use one for the week and freeze the other servings for later.
Opt for several meals to use all the food.
If a roasted chicken is on the menu, use the bones to make bone broth. Use leftover veggies and celery tops for soups. Create several meals from a piece of meat or other animal protein. You can make a slow cooker beef roast with an inexpensive cut of meat for one meal and combine it with a salad, vegetable and brown rice. Use the extra cut of meat to make a shredded beef salad or mix it with beans, low sodium salsa, onions and a can of diced tomatoes and chilies for a heart healthy burrito. Fill a burrito or whole wheat taco shell and garnish with chopped tomatoes, lettuce, onions and jalapenos.
Go meatless once a week.
If you’ve never heard of a meatless Monday, it’s time to start thinking about doing it yourself to save money. Animal protein adds a substantial amount to the grocery bill. You can get a complete protein from vegetarian sources by combining ingredients, such as nuts and seeds with whole grain bread. It’s a simple recipe, just think peanut butter on whole wheat toast. To add the sugary component, don’t use jelly, use sliced and lightly blended fruit, like grapes or apples. Beans and brown rice is another favorite dish that’s easy to make. Make your rice, add beans and a can of diced tomatoes and season to taste.
If you want a yummy one pan meal, try roast chicken and Italian vegetables.
A third cup of balsamic vinegar and half cup of Italian dressing make a great marinade for 1 ½ pounds of chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces. Put 1/3 cup of the marinade in a plastic bag with the chicken pieces and marinate it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Mix broccoli, carrots and tomatoes with 3 tablespoons olive oil, garlic powder and some dried Italian seasoning. You can use the leftover veggies you have on hand, or fresh ones. Place in a pan and put in a 400 degree preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove, turn and brush mixture with half the remaining vinegar mixture. Bake another 15 minutes and drizzle with the last of the marinade. Serve over rice.
- Plan for leftovers. Leftover veggies, rice and protein source, whether vegetarian or animal, can be combined to a make a power bowl that’s delicious. Just pile them together and microwave.
- Create a salad everyone will love that has a wide mix of vegetables and topped with left over meat. Leftover grilled veggies also enhance the flavor. If you’re using marinated or seasoned meat or veggies, you may not need any dressing for flavor.
- If you’re making extra to freeze, you can make meal prep easier by freezing on a tray and then putting them in a plastic bag. It helps prevent the food from sticking together and makes taking a specific amount out easier. It’s especially helpful if you plan to use them in other recipes later.
- Plan around the seasonal produce and freeze some for later, making sure you freeze it on a tray first so it separates easily. When you use in-season fruits and vegetables, your budget will go even further.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Workouts That Are Safe In Pregnancy
There wasn’t ever a question in pioneer days whether a woman would do physical labor when pregnant. Life dictated that she would. Later, in the early 20th century, women in America who could afford it workouts that are safe in pregnancy often took to bed and rested through the pregnancy, while people in other nations, such as China, actually delivered babies in the fields when they worked. Today, we have a completely different mindset and realize that staying active and doing workouts that are safe in pregnancy can help deal with back problems, make delivery easier, increase energy levels and prevent constipation and bloating. It also lowers the risk of gestational diabetes.
If you already workout, during the first trimester, you can continue your workout.
If you don’t workout, adopting a more active lifestyle is still an option in the first trimester. Always consult your primary care professional before you do, especially if you’re at risk for any serious complications. No matter what the workout, don’t do it if you’re exhausted or nauseous. If you’re just starting out, take it slowly by increasing the amount you walk or ride a bike each week. Make the transition slow and gradual, avoiding strenuous moves that put pressure on the back, twist the abdomen or place your feet above your head. Focus on exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, such as pelvic tilts, which helps make childbirth easier.
Add caution during the second trimester.
That flat tummy you were so proud of has started to disappear and you should avoid some exercises, or modify ones you already do. For instance, switch from uphill running to flat ground running and use a treadmill with a side bar for stability. It may be time to error on the side of caution and switch to a stationary bike, rather than riding on the road where you could face a potential fall. Avoid hot yoga, but other types are okay, just as aquatic aerobics or swimming is safe. Get help from a personal trainer if you’re working out in the gym.
Your center of gravity has changed in the third trimester.
If your doctor just suggested you get exercise, don’t go gung-ho and expect to workout like an Olympian. Stick with things like swimming, prenatal yoga, and some type of calisthenics such as wall push-ups, lunges and similar low impact exercises. If you opt for using weights, use lighter weights. Pelvic floor exercises are also excellent at this time, since they prepare the body for labor, birth and postpartum.
- Practice kegel exercises during pregnancy. Not only do they help prepare your body for birthing, they can prevent bladder leakage that can occur when pregnant.
- Increasing your physical exertion for just 20 minutes a day can dramatically reduce the risk of complications during delivery and actually improve the health of the baby.
- If you find it difficult to get a full half hour straight to exercise, you can break it up to three ten minute sessions. Take the stairs, walk to lunch, park further from the store and walk more are added ways to increase exercise daily.
- At the TeamWorx Fitness, we can help you with a program designed specifically for your needs that includes both a workout routine and healthy eating. You and your baby will benefit from a program of working out and healthy eating.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Benefits Of Organic Food
Are you torn between paying extra money for organic foods and focusing more on eating healthier. I get a lot of questions from my clients in Alexandria, VA, whether choosing organic food is really that important. The answer is yes and no. I know, that’s not the answer most people want but it’s the right answer. Some organic food doesn’t come with any particular benefits, while other food that’s organic does. You can find out which is which by following the Dirty Dozen List and the Clean Fifteen.
The Dirty Dozen is a list based on data collected by the EWG— Environmental Working Group.
The EWG is a non-profit organization that focuses on health and the environment. They do everything from testing cosmetics to studying GMOs and the effects of pesticides on food. The purchase samples of fruits and vegetables across the country and test them for pesticides each year. Then they identify those that have contaminants and pesticides even after washing. The top 12 and sometimes 13 make up the Dirty Dozen and the bottom 15 that show the least contamination are the Clean 15.
When you shop, you can choose non-organic from the Clean 15 list.
Go organic for the Dozen and opt for cheaper non-organic choices when purchasing fruits and vegetables on the Clean 15 list. For another consecutive year, strawberries, kale, and spinach are at the top of the Dirty Dozen list, containing the highest amount of pesticides even after they’re washed. Apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery and potatoes are also on the list. Even hummus has now been questioned depending on the source of the chickpeas are from.
What’s on the Clean 15 list?
Food that didn’t test high in pesticides, regardless of how it’s grown include avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, onions, papaya, frozen sweet peas, eggplants, asparagus, cauliflower, cantaloupe, mushrooms, broccoli, cabbage, honeydew melon and kiwi. You’ll notice many of those foods have their own protection from insecticides, like a thick skin, or like onions, actually deter pests.
- Don’t forget to check your animal products for organic foods, which is really important. Seafood from the wild rather than farmed, grass fed beef without hormones or antibiotics and free range eggs and poultry are good choices that have other health benefits, too.
- Whether organic food is higher in nutrition or not is still up for debate. Some research shows it might be more nutritious. The reason may be the actual fertilizer, such as compost, that’s used, rather than the conventional fertilizer of chemicals.
- If you’re worried about GMO food, be careful. Some of the fruits and vegetables on the list of the Clean 15 may be GMO food if you don’t buy organic. Some summer squash, papaya and sweet corn can come from GMO seeds.
- Grass-fed beef has a higher amount of antioxidants, vitamins and conjugated linoleic acid that improves immunity and is anti-inflammatory. It contains a lower potential for antibiotic resistant bacteria. Eggs from free range chickens also contain more antioxidants, flavonoids and omega-3.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Is Cardio Making You Fat?
What’s the best type of exercise to help you lose weight? Some people say cardio is the best because it burns tons of calories, but new schools of thought contradict that, saying cardio is really making you fat. Which one is right? Which one is right? There are valid reasons to suspect that cardio alone isn’t the best route to take if you’re trying to shed those extra pounds, but at the same time you can also use cardio in ways to boost your weight loss endeavor.
Your body becomes more efficient the more you do cardiovascular exercises.
The human body was built for becoming more efficient. The harder your labors are, the more muscle you build. The more you run or do aerobic type of activities, the more efficient it becomes at conserving calories and using oxygen and lung capacity more efficiently. While that’s great for survival, it’s not great for weight loss, at least the calorie conserving part. It means the more you do of a specific activity, the less fuel you’ll need to do it. You may have burned hundreds of calories from running five miles initially, but that amount is cut substantially the more you do it. You need more variety since your body adapts.
You can stress your body with too much cardio.
This is a bit confusing, since exercise is supposed to be healthy and burn off hormones of stress, like cortisol. The problem is, rigorous cardio also causes the body to stress, releasing even more cortisol. If you don’t have a problem with stress, daily runs or other cardio won’t be a problem. However, anyone already under stress with high cortisol levels actually enters a “fat trap.” The more intense the cardio, the more potential for weight gain. It increases insulin levels and can boost your cravings for sugar.
You’ll be burning calories, but the source of those calories doesn’t matter.
When you burn calories, it can come from either fat tissue or muscle tissue. Aerobic exercise—cardio—doesn’t differentiate which one. It burns lean muscle mass for calories and fat tissue. It also can make it harder to build muscle tissue. Strength training tends to burn more fat tissue and build muscle tissue. That’s important since the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn. Muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does.
- There are several studies that show that people who run often eat more calories. In fact, most people eat about 100 calories more than they burn, so they gain weight by adding cardio.
- How fast you run makes a difference. If you run at top speed or run at a slow jog, almost walk, it is beneficial. It’s using a constant middle of the road pace that adds weight.
- While cardio isn’t the best for weight loss in the long run, it does take off weight initially for the sedentary. It can get you ready for other cardio workouts that involve strength building like kettlebells or high intensity interval strength training.
- Including all types of training in your workout is not only good for weight loss, it’s imperative for good health. That’s why we focus on a balanced workout at the Worx by Maia to help you lose weight more efficiently.
For more information, contact us today at The WorX by Maia
Are You Overweight Because Of Hormone Imbalance?
At the Worx in Alexandria, VA, I help a lot of overweight women with a hormone imbalance shed their extra pounds. Hormones do affect your weight loss efforts. Of course, it’s not the same for everyone, sometimes the weight gain comes from a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. Hormonal imbalances are difficult to dealt with, particularly for women going through menopause, where there are changes daily and people going through stressful times.
If you’re in menopause or perimenopause, expect hormonal problems.
Whether it’s hot flashes, weight gain or other symptoms of menopause, they all come from reducing estrogen and progesterone levels. Higher estrogen levels cause you to gain weight, so you probably wouldn’t expect that during perimenopause or menopause, but it happens. Since both progesterone and estrogen levels are dropping, sometimes the progesterone level drops faster, making estrogen more dominant. Higher levels of estrogen, called estrogen dominance, can cause weight gain, no matter what your age, even when you’re not at any stage of menopause.
Estrogen dominance can be one cause of weight gain, but there are others.
Three other types of hormones affect your weight. The balance between ghrelin and leptin—the hunger/satiety hormones, insulin and cortisol. Not only do these hormones affect your weight gain, but where that weight settles on your body. For instance, cortisol, a stress hormone, puts fat on your abdomen, often called belly fat. It’s called visceral fat and is the most dangerous type of fat and most difficult to eliminate. The ghrelin/leptin balance tells your body when you’re hungry and when your full. Too much ghrelin and you’ll be hungry all the time. Insulin regulates blood sugar. If it isn’t functioning properly weight gain is easier and you have a problem losing weight.
It may sound depressing, but there are ways to regulate these hormones.
When you participate in physical activity, you’re giving yourself a head start on regulating hormones. Physical activity not only helps regulate insulin levels and reduce insulin sensitivity, it can burn off the hormones of stress and improve testosterone levels. If you worry about testosterone being a male sex hormone, even women need it for building muscle and shedding fat. Sometimes, just worrying about losing weight can be stressful enough it causes high cortisol levels that causes weight gain around the middle. In fact, cortisol may be the biggest block to weight loss, so controlling stress is imperative.
- Strength-building exercises and HIIT—high intensity interval training are far better for regulating hormones than chronic aerobic exercises like running. Don’t forget meditative types of exercises like tai chi.
- Getting adequate sleep is extremely important to regulating hormone levels. Even one night without adequate sleep can make hormones go out balance.
- Eat healthier. Consume less red meat and avoid caffeine and sugar. Healthy fat is important for your diet, so add an avocado or two. If you choose to supplement, take a vitamin D3, B complex, magnesium and add bone broth for extra collagen and nutrients.
- Address gut health issues and your microbiome. If your digestive system isn’t functioning correctly, it affects your entire body.
For more information, contact us today at The WorX by Maia
Workouts For Stay At Home Moms
I believe in the importance of exercise too much not to share some tips for workouts for stay at home moms. Whether you come into the Worx in Alexandria, VA, for private session, workout in groups or can’t get out of the house because of toddlers, helping you stay fit is my prime objective. I can help you directly at the gym and with some tips for those stay at home moms, especially those with babies or toddlers who are constantly on call. Here are some quick exercises you can do in those brief moments you have to yourself.
You can start with a workout while you work.
Any busy mom will tell you that the days seem to fly by with very little time for anything else but housework and childcare. That’s when I suggest they make the work a real workout. Every mom knows about multitasking, whether you stay at home or not. Do you need to pick up laundry or toys, do squats as you do? Vacuum with extra effort doing lunges with each push. Vigorously clean windows by turning to the side and reaching for the window with the outermost arm. Leg and calf raises are doable when you’re at the sink and putting folded clothes in a basket can be completed with a squat.
Combine all three types of exercises with circuit training.
Are the kids napping and you have limited time? Try circuit training. You’ll get more benefit in less time when you increase intensity, lifting more or resting less between exercises. With circuit training, you do several sets of different exercises in a row, rest and repeat. One of my favorites starts with one minute of jumping, followed by a minute of butt kicks for a warm up. Complete the workout circuit with a minute of each: mountain climbers, burpees and a minute plank. Rest a minute and repeat three to four times until you reach a twenty minute workout.
Strength training is important and you don’t have to have weights.
There’s no need to buy a set of weights that take up a lot of room when you have the option of spending a few dollars on resistance bands or go even cheaper with homemade weights, like milk jugs, laundry jugs or other bottles filled with sand or water. You can use soup cans, too. As you get stronger, add more water until you fill it to the top. Warm up with a minute of jump rope, then do ten of each, pushups, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, lunges, squats and finish with a one-minute plank. Rest a minute and repeat. If you have time and/or energy, do a third time.
- Just dashing up and down the stairs is good exercise. When you have an extra minute, do a few laps up and down the stairs. You can mix it with your daily chores by taking fewer items from the laundry and making more trips.
- You don’t have to make sure your child is in bed when you include them in the workout. I’ve seen mothers build incredible strength just by lifting their child. As they get heavier, you lift more weight. Combine that with some extra moves, like squats while you’re holding them.
- If you’re a brand-new mom and have the doctors okay, take the baby for a walk in the buggy or stroller. Just getting out and walking on nice days is good exercise for you and the fresh air is good for both of you.
- When you want more than a solitary workout, come to The Worx by Maia. There’s a program that is sure to fit your schedule and both group and private training.
For more information, contact us today at The WorX by Maia
The Best Chicken/Fish/Beef/Etc Meal Prep Recipes
If you don’t already know how meal planning and making meals ahead can help you lose weight, I’ll help you with just a shortened version. When you plan meals ahead, including shopping lists, cooking them on the weekend and freezing, you’ll have ready to eat meals during the week and won’t be as apt to stop for fast food. You also have the perfect serving size already measured for you and ready to go. Here are some chicken/fish/beef/etc meal prep ideas to help you get started on a meal planning adventure.
If you want to maximize the number of uses, make Chicken Tinga.
One way to save time and money is to double up and cook more at once. Chicken tinga is a shredded chicken dish you can use in rice bowls, burritos or to top a salad. It’s easy to make and then package in single serving sizes. Cover chicken breasts with about an inch of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Save the broth. Shred the chicken. Blender together plum tomatoes, onions, garlic chipotle, spice, broth and olive oil. There are lots of great recipes, but most people flavor to taste. Mix with shredded chicken and package in half cup serving sizes. It’s about 110 calories per serving.
Stuffed peppers are another favorite.
There are so many different ways to make stuffed peppers. For vegetarians, stuffing the pepper with a mixture of quinoa, black beans, seasoning corn, and chopped tomatoes, then steaming in whole tomatoes and juice is one way. For others, shred chicken and add it to brown rice with tomatoes, corn and even beans to make the same dish. Serve with side salad.
Make chicken all at once and use it in several meals, then use the broth for soup.
If you love saving money, there’s nothing like soup to stretch the budget. It’s a great way to use up extra vegetables, too. If you don’t have chicken broth, make bone broth from leftover bones of baked chicken or beef. It’s super healthy. Making soup ahead and freezing in individual serving sizes can provide a heat and serve meal that’s microwavable and quick. Some people even use ice cube trays to freeze and then bag in plastic bags. Some of my favorite soups include butternut squash soup, vegetable soup and lentil soup.
- When you plan meals ahead, you’ll probably still want fresh fruit and vegetables for sides. You can use frozen vegetables and get the same benefit as fresh if you’re cooking them.
- Cutting calories? Make a big pan of lasagna using zucchini for the noodles. Make a big dish and freeze individual servings. Individual servings are great for families on the go and when unexpected guests come.
- Another money saving tip for make ahead meals, rehydrate a whole bag of black, pinto or red beans at once. You can mash them, add them to a salad, power bowls, soup or make refried beans. They’re super versatile.
- If you roast beef or bake chicken, double it up. Make extra and package for later. You can package them in serving sizes or the measurement you’ll most often use when cooking, such as cups. When you’re making meals for the week, that part is ready to go.
For more information, contact us today at The WorX by Maia
How To Start Your Fitness Journey
If you’ve been considering getting into shape, losing weight and getting healthier, but haven’t started, it’s time to start your fitness journey. How many times have you gone to the couch after a meal just to relax a minute before cleaning up the kitchen, only to find that minute extends to an hour or longer. You have two options at that point. The first is to put off the task of cleaning up for the next day and the second is to do it. If you decide to do it, the first thing you have to do is get off the couch and go into the kitchen. In order to get anything accomplished, the process always starts the same way, take the first step.
Whether you’re trying to complete the last set or get started on your workout, the process is the same.
How many times have you thought about working out and decided to wait until later, even if you’re already in an exercise program? Near the end of a workout, how many times have you thought of quitting or actually quit before the last push-up, jumping jack or squat was completed? If you managed to do your workout even though you wanted to put it off or did that last squat, you pushed yourself to do it. Sometimes, wanting to work out doesn’t come naturally and you fight it, so you simply have to push yourself to get started or continue to the end. Once you do, the actual workout is easier than you imagined.
Start by holding yourself accountable.
If you’re ready to get fit, do as much as you can to hold that feeling of readiness. Of course, I’m talking about committing to working with a trainer, signing up for a class or working out with a friend. All of those things will hold you accountable and keep you on track when you want to quit. Just saying you want to workout, or even signing up at a gym without a commitment to a schedule, won’t get the same results.
Have a goal and a plan on how to achieve it.
The first thing we ask at the Worx is about your goals. Not everyone wants the same things. Some people just want to lose weight, others want to get a beach body and still others want to regain the energy they once had. Once we know that person’s goals and other information, we help create a plan for them to reach it. Know what you want to accomplish and then identify how you’re going to reach that goal.
If your fitness desires seem overwhelming, break them down to smaller, easier to reach ones. Rather than trying to focus on losing 100 pounds, focus on losing two pounds every week. You’ll get more celebrations as you reach each goal and won’t be as apt to quit because it seems impossible.
- If you’re not ready to start a full workout program or a complete healthy diet, take baby steps. Start walking more, take the stairs or substitute unhealthy snacks with fresh fruit. Some people start by giving up soft drinks and replacing it with water.
- Confusion and lack of knowledge can block some people from starting. That’s when working with a fitness professional is best. You don’t have to get private sessions, group sessions are affordable and you get the same help.
- Make sure you really want to get fitter. Some people say they’re going to get fit and that’s where they stop. It’s as though saying it was all they needed to do. Before you utter those words, make sure you really mean them and then do something about it.
- If you’ve chosen to start slowly, like taking daily walks, schedule a time specifically for those walks or before you know it, that part of the program will end, too. Add a few minutes of walking every day to the schedule.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
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