Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise
People exercise regularly for many reasons. Some appreciate how it clears their head and relieves stress. Others like the energy boost they get. Regular exercise has many benefits. It can help keep you fit in your senior years so you can live independently. Regular exercise can help you lose weight, which improves your health and prevents conditions caused by obesity. Doing 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 to 150 minutes of intense exercise throughout the week provides the most benefit. Walking at a moderate pace for half an hour daily or working out three days a week should be your minimum goal.
You’ll lower your blood pressure.
If you don’t have high blood pressure, exercise can help prevent it. You still have to eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise can help you shed extra pounds or keep a healthy weight. When you work larger muscles, it increases nitric oxide in the blood. That causes the blood vessels to widen. That allows the blood to flow easier and reduces blood pressure. Even mild exercise like tai chi can improve your blood pressure, but you must do it consistently. Losing as little as 2.2 pounds, you can lower your blood pressure by one millimeter of mercury.
You’ll look and feel younger longer.
You can’t completely stop aging. You can make changes to slow it down and avoid premature aging. Exercise does two things to help you maintain your youthful appearance and fitness. It boosts the production of stem cells that replace damaged or dead cells. It also lengthens telomeres. Telomeres protect the DNA. They act like aglets at the end of shoestrings that prevent them from unraveling. Every time the cell replicates, the telomeres get shorter, so the longer they are, the more protected the cells are.
Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes with regular exercise.
Diabetes affects every part of your body. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 or childhood diabetes, and adult-onset diabetes, type 2 diabetes. Exercise can help improve the cell’s ability to uptake insulin and diminish insulin resistance. A healthy diet and regular exercise may reverse diabetes and put it into remission. Exercise helps you lose weight, shed visceral fat, and gain muscle tissue that also reduces inflammation. Inflammation affects all body parts and makes the obese individual more susceptible to illnesses, viruses, and infections. It releases toxins, crowds the organs, and changes the body’s hormone levels.
- You’ll improve digestion when you exercise regularly. Exercise increases circulation and improves blood flow to the digestive organs. It increases beneficial bacteria in the gut and gut motility.
- Regular exercise improves your posture. That affects your mood, self-esteem, and internal organs. It aids functions like breathing by allowing you to breathe deeply.
- Exercise can reduce stress and make you feel good. It burns off stress hormones and makes the body more able to control the release of those hormones, so you don’t get stressed as easily.
- Regular exercise can help clear the cobwebs from your brain and improve your mental performance. It helps reduce the effects of anxiety and depression and improves your overall mental performance.
For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness