How To Eat Healthy Without Depriving Yourself
I love all the enthusiasm at the Worx in Alexandria, VA. People come here to achieve fitness goals that are as different as each person is. However, in order to reach each goal, there is a common thread. It’s all about what you eat, besides how much you workout. Most people hate restrictions on their eating habits. It makes them feel hungry and deprived. Wouldn’t you like to learn to eat healthy without depriving yourself? There’s a way you can do it.
Start by identifying unhealthy food you eat and find ways to make them healthier.
You may think that some food, like that giant chocolate seven layer cake with thick frosting, simply can’t be made healthier, but it can. Focus on the unhealthy foods you like and ways to make them healthier. If you like sour cream on your baked potato, consider switching to Greek yogurt instead. It’s a small calorie savings, but increases the nutrient count, too. Consider switching out fried food for baked food, substituting applesauce for oil or sugar in baked goods, like that chocolate cake or substituting vegetables for pasta, such as spaghetti squash or zucchini lasagna.
Learn to eat mindfully.
I have a client who is lucky enough that she can consume almost anything without gaining weight, and she eats a lot of junk. When she came to me about eating healthier, she told me that she wanted to eat healthier to feel better and look better. Yes, if you want to build muscle tissue, you need a healthy diet. It’s not all about weight loss. She said when she bought a package of pastries or cookies, she always ate the whole package in a few minutes. That’s when I knew she had to learn to eat mindfully to get a healthy diet. Eating mindfully is all about savoring each bite. Rather than tossing a handful of M&Ms into your mouth, eat just one and savor the flavor. Identify every minute of enjoyment. You won’t eat as many and never feel deprived.
Take a pause while you’re eating.
Just like mindful eating, slowing the process of a meal is also important. Make more conversation at the table. Pause for a while, rather than shoveling food in your mouth just to finish. Chew…endlessly chew. The more you chew, the more you’re helping your digestive system and giving your body a chance to catch up to the feeling of fullness. Push your plate away a little earlier at each meal, so your level of comfortable fullness comes quicker.
- Be aware of each time you eat. Are you doing it when you’re hungry or just out of boredom. If it’s boredom, have a go-to response. Some people take a short walk, even if they’re inside, find the best way for you to break your cycle.
- You can make yourself more aware of food consumption by writing down every time you eat, even if it’s a little nibble. You can even add a note about your emotions at the time to help you identify why you eat.
- When you’re hungry, first drink an eight ounce bottle or glass of water. Not only is it filling, often people mistake thirst for hunger.
- Plan a healthy menu for the week, including snacks and make a grocery list. Cook all the weekly meals at once. It will help you stick with a healthy menu and avoid unhealthy snacking. The meals will be ready to heat and eat so you won’t have to stop for fast food if you’re tired.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Should I Workout If I’m Fasting?
There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of fasting for health benefits, both longer term and intermittent fasting. When you fast, you are often lower in energy, especially if you’re doing a fast that’s a day or longer. That’s not necessarily true of intermittent fasting, which can be as simple as eating all your food in an eight-hour time frame and fasting the other sixteen hours. Should you skip your workout on those days when you’re fasting? There are reasons to believe that it isn’t necessary to give up all activity, as long as you follow some rules.
When you’re working out, your body uses the stored carbohydrates in the form of glycogen.
If you haven’t eaten in a while, you might have depleted those glycogen reserves. There’s a good and bad side to that. The body needs to find another energy source, which could be fat. Some studies show that the body burns more fat if you eat after working out, rather than before you do. However, there’s another source of energy the body might use and that’s protein, which means you’d lose more muscle tissue. The less muscle tissue you have, the slower your metabolism works and the less effective your workout will be.
If you’re intermittent fasting, schedule your workout to mesh with your fast.
Rather than risk a slower resting metabolic rate, it’s smarter to plan your workout to mesh with your fast. If you’re simply eating in an eight-hour window, workout after you’ve eaten, that’s especially true if you’re doing high intensity training. You’ll have the glycogen available that you need and keep your fire burning strong, while also reducing the risk that you’ll end up with low blood sugar levels.
If your fast is longer, stick with lower intensity workout while you’re doing it.
What’s a low intensity workout. For cardio, it’s one that you can talk while you’re working out. A walk, light jog or some easier exercises at the gym will keep your body moving without drawing too much energy. Your body will tell you if the exercise is too much. You’ll feel dizzy or light-headed during your workout. Remember, your body is already struggling from deprivation, you don’t want to add to the burden.
- A full meal right before a workout isn’t good either. If you’re headed for a workout, break your fast for the first meal of the day with a high protein style snack or light meal at least a half hour before you workout.
- Snack on protein throughout the day during your window when you eat. It helps build the muscles. Don’t forget a protein snack after a strength training workout. That’s when your muscles desperately need it for repair and growth. Don’t forget to hydrate frequently, either.
- You’ll probably find that eating snacks frequently during the window when you eat will help you feel better and have more energy. Make them a combination of protein and carbohydrates, like peanut butter and apples.
- Save a full meal for after a tough workout. It should be within a half hour of the workout. Make sure it includes at least 20 grams of protein to help boost your muscle maintenance.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Skinny Doesn’t Mean Weak
I have clients of all sizes and shapes at the gym in Alexandria, VA. Some of the clients that are thinnest or skinniest often amaze me at their strength. Just as being big and bulky with muscles that look like the Incredible Hulk doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re strong, being skinny doesn’t mean weak, either. Everyone has their own perfect body, some are tall and thin. While they might look skinny under layers of clothing, when they’re in shorts and a T-shirt, you can see their muscles.
It’s not unheard-of to get stronger without getting bigger or bulkier.
In fact, that’s one of the dilemmas that body builders face. They may have big bulky muscles, but they don’t have strength. How does that happen? Getting ripped isn’t the same as becoming strong. Your body increases strength by muscle growth and neural adaptation. Neural adaptations is the process of the body making the best use of the muscles it already has. If you’ve gained strength, but aren’t bulky and big, that’s the reason.
What causes neural adaptation, but not muscle growth?
Part of the reason for skinny, but strong is the number of reps. Too many—12 or more, improves endurance, not bulk. Too few, three reps or fewer, gives you power and strength but not muscle growth. Not working to metabolic fatigue will keep you strong but skinny, too. Training too little also does it. Most of all, consuming too few calories is the biggest offender. Getting strong and staying skinny occurs when you maintain the same calorie count you did before working out hard. You need extra calories to build muscles.
You get health benefits from being strong and being thin.
When you’re thinner, you tend to be less prone to ailments like heart disease. “Skinny” tends to be more agile than big and bulky. Getting stronger brings great benefits, too. You’re less prone to injury and are ready for daily living tasks. Some of the most powerful bodies are thin. Consider Bruce Lee and other martial arts people. They don’t look like they have much muscle, but they’re powerful.
- Most bodybuilders and big, bulked up people aren’t nearly as strong as those with more sinewy muscles. Using your muscles for daily tasks, rather than just pumping iron can make a difference.
- Skinny can mean less fat and more muscle mass. That’s an indicator that the person should be stronger. It’s a lean, yet muscular appearance that can be quite deceptive.
- I’ve seen some really strong women, particularly at The Worx. Women have hormones that suppress their ability to bulk up, but not their ability to get stronger.
- Strength comes in all sizes. It’s all about diet and the exercise program you’re using. It’s why we ask your goals before we create a workout plan designed specifically for you.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Sweet Poison Is Sugar Ruining Your Health
While sugar and products made with sugar, have a sweet taste, it doesn’t mean they’re sweet for your health or body. In fact, they may be ruining your health. Man has always had a taste for sweetness. It’s obvious when you feed a baby and find they love applesauce or pudding far more than green beans. One anthropologist hypothesized that man was created to love sweetness, since sweetness in fruits and vegetables meant they were safe to eat. While that may be true, manufacturers of food have taken that love to a whole new level and put sugar in almost all food we eat.
Just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean it’s healthy.
You hear a lot about healthy sugars, like honey, can sugar or corn syrup. While honey does have some health benefits, like its antioxidants, heart healthy benefits and aid with healing wounds, consuming too much is extremely unhealthy. Remember those commercials for high fructose corn syrup—HFCS—it’s natural so it must be healthy. No matter what type of sugar you’re discussing, too much increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and impairs your immune system and accelerates aging. Not all natural things are healthy. Tobacco is natural and so are many poisons.
You might be surprised that fat isn’t the enemy.
While it’s not healthy to eat too much fat, especially trans fat, it’s not the enemy that it’s been made to seem. In the 1950s a mega study by Harvard scientists were conducted. Mega studies take all the available studies and compare the results for an overall conclusion. They found that fat caused heart disease. What wasn’t explained is that the sugar industry paid for the study and provided extra money to the scientists for that conclusion. They only used those studies that leaned toward fat and ignored the problems of sugar. While trans fat does contribute to heart disease, most fat, which includes the fat in avocado, coconut oil and the fat in nuts actually add to good health.
Science has taken it a step further with HFCS.
Check the label of those processed food and you’re bound to see a lot of sugar added. Some of the sugar comes from high fructose corn syrup—in fact, a lot does. It may be called natural, but it’s not. It’s removed from corn stalks by using a chemical and that product is even worse than normal beet or cane sugar. It’s a combination of glucose and fructose. The body doesn’t process fructose well. It doesn’t suppress your appetite, plus has all the negatives caused by sugar, insulin spikes, metabolic problems, increased risk for heart disease, dementia, fatty liver disease, obesity and damage to the stomach lining.
They’re different chemically and how they react in your body. Fructose causes all the same problems as regular sugar, but also adds more. It goes into the blood stream rapidly, can cause fatty liver, spikes insulin and creates metabolic problems. It boosts your appetite, increasing the risk of weight gain. It increases the risk of heart disease, dementia and can even cause damage to the stomach lining.
- HFC is cheaper to make, so it’s in many processed foods. That means you’re eating it even when you aren’t aware of the sweetness, making it easier to eat more than you thought and overwhelming your body with it.
- Sugar is addictive. It affects the same receptors as cocaine. It also alters the sense of taste to make naturally sweet fruit taste less sweet.
- While doctors may focus on salt as an offender in high blood pressure, sugar plays a big role in making the numbers rise, too.
- If you’re reading labels to see how much sugar is in a product, you might be surprised to find that manufacturers use several types of sugar in a product and when listed individually, are lower on the list. However, when added together creates a product high in sugar.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx by Maia
How Hormones Affect Your Health
Clients who workout in Alexandria, VA, at the Worx, do so for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is to help improve their overall health. Working out affects the balance of hormones in the body, such as cortisol and hormones affect your health. So while most just want to get into shape, the added benefit of balancing hormones is an added benefit. Hormones affect your health. They are the messengers that trigger all the functions in the body to keep it functioning at its best.
Stress hormones not only affect your health, they affect your appearance, too.
If you find that all your fat collects in your abdomen and your waistline just keeps getting bigger, you probably have a problem with stress and the accumulation of cortisol. Stress hormones make changes in the body to prepare it to fight or run. There are receptors for cortisol, one of those hormones, in almost all cells in the body. It’s the messenger that affects your memory, controls blood sugar levels, maintains blood pressure and regulates your metabolism.
Too much cortisol in your body contributes to health issues.
Do you have a rapid heart beat? That’s probably from too much cortisol that wasn’t burnt off with exercise. It does more than just increase your heart rate, it increases the potential for obesity and is one of the leading causes for heart disease and high blood pressure. One way you can improve your health is to keep stress at a minimum. It’s not an easy task, but finding ways to prevent it before it gets out of control, such as meditation or even immediate exercise like running up and down stairs can relieve the stress-response quickly.
There are all types of hormones, including sex hormones that contribute to health issues.
Stress can affect the balance of female hormones, just as toxins or poor nutrition can. If a woman has too little progesterone and too much estrogen, it can show itself with weight gain on the hips, thighs and abdomen, fibroid tumors and a low sex drive. Gall bladder disease, heavy bleeding, painful periods and mood swings are also symptoms. Women aren’t the only ones to face health risk by hormonal imbalance. There are issues with both too much testosterone and too little for men. Too much or too little can create heart issues, with too much increasing the risk of prostate cancer and too little causing weight gain.
- If you’re having problems sleeping at night, maybe your hormones are out of whack. The pineal gland creates serotonin that affects your ability to sleep. Adequate sleep is important to good health.
- The system that creates hormones is the endocrine system with the hypothalamus as the major gland. Hormones control thirst, sleep, body temperature and more.
- One of the most severe hormonal problems comes from too much insulin or too little, also known as type 1 diabetes or hypoglycemia.
- Exercise helps regulate many hormones. Eating healthy is another way to help boost hormonal health. Come in for a free training session and see how good you really can feel.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx by Maia
Keeping The Pounds Off
To often people come into my gym and they’re depressed, frustrated and at their wits end. Either they couldn’t take weight off or they did and within weeks it returned….and often brought friends. There’s a logical reason that dieting doesn’t work and it’s all about those pounds finding their way back home after the diet ends. When you diet, it always ends. That’s when you go back to your normal eating habits that put on weight in the first place. Of course, you’ll gain that weight back again. Keeping the pounds off requires more than just lowering your caloric intake for a few weeks or months, it means changing your eating habits for a lifetime. When you add a program of exercise, you keep your metabolism burning hot!
What’s the difference between eating healthy and dieting.
When you diet, you often feel deprived or hungry. You have are limited to the food listed on your diet. Some diets, like fad diets, limit that selection severely by focusing on a “magic soup” or “weight loss elixir to drink three times a day.” Eating healthy just means making smarter choices when it comes to food. For instance, just switching from white rice to brown rice can save a few calories, while also boosting the nutritional content of the meal.
You might have a diet to follow initially, but that’s only until you learn the best changes to make.
It takes time to change old habits. Those eating habits may have come from your childhood, so many are rooted in the comfort food area. These are go-to foods when anything significant affects your life. Changing that doesn’t happen overnight. Learning what’s healthy and lower in calories isn’t always easy. In fact, food manufacturers often do everything they can to confuse the average consumer. The easiest thing to remember is that eating healthy means eating food that’s closest to its natural state and less processed.
Eating healthy also means eating food without added sugar.
You won’t eliminate eating food with added sugar by skipping the bakery area or pushing the cart quickly past the candy area. Sugar is in everything. To make matters worse, the amount of sugar something contains is often hidden by using several different types of sugar and listing each separately. If there were just 8 ingredients in a food and four of them were different types of sugar, from dextrose to sucrose or HFCS, if they were listed separately, sugar might not be the top ingredient. The last four ingredients might be the sugars, even though combined, they equaled over 50 percent of the contents.
- You’ll be surprised at how good food tastes once you get your taste buds back to normal. Today’s eating habits overload them with sugar. Once you give it up for a while, you’ll get more of the true taste of food.
- Don’t despair if you think you’ll never get to have your favorite foods again. It’s just not so. When you eat healthy, you can eat almost anything, just not on an everyday basis and with portion control in mind.
- Smarter eating is also combined with regular exercise. When you workout regularly, you’ll build muscle tissue and that boosts your metabolism to help keep pounds off 24/7.
- Regular exercise also builds your energy level, so you’ll be more active. The more active you are, the more apt you’ll be to keep pounds off permanently.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx by Maia
Girls Gone Strong
It’s so much fun to watch clients in Alexandria, VA, get fit and make changes not only in their body, but also in their life. Whether it’s going from fitness zero to fitness hero or helping someone make the changes to extend their lives, it all brings satisfaction. It’s also why I do it. One of my biggest pleasures is seeing girls gone strong. Just thinking back and reading about the lives of women 30, 40 or 50 years ago, building muscles wasn’t encouraged or even suggested in many cases. Stick thin women, like Twiggy in the 1960s and the scary skinny models in the 2010s are gladly out of vogue and healthy and strong women are now a hit.
Healthy with lean muscle mass is what it’s all about today.
I love seeing women come into the gym, a little intimidated by the strength building workouts. It always makes me smile when they realize how great they feel when they do strength building and learn all the workouts that involve barbells and dumbbells. I’ve seen them go from intimidated to getting excited when it’s strength building day. I’ve even caught some flexing in front of the mirror and smiling. That’s okay. I do it too.
Why is getting strong important. Let’s start with weight loss.
One of the best types of exercise for weight loss is strength building. While running and other aerobic workouts will burn tons of calories, there’s no discrimination in whether those calories came from burning fat or muscle tissue. In fact, running will burn lean muscle tissue. Strength building burns lots of calories, too, but it also helps build muscle tissue. Why is that important? The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you’ll burn 24/7. That means strength building will not only burn calories now, it will build muscles to burn more later.
How can getting stronger help keep you healthier.
Women are protected from high blood pressure and even bone loss, with hormones before menopause. Unfortunately, after menopause, that protection disappears. It’s at that time, that they’re more susceptible to these conditions, particularly osteoporosis, which can make bones fragile and impact lifestyle dramatically. Getting stronger at an early age and maintaining that strength, helps reduce the potential for both high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
- Seriously, one of the great motivators to do strength training is the fact that exercise helps slow the aging process. It does it in a number of ways, from lengthening cellular telomeres to increased circulation.
- Getting strong can help keep you safer. While you may never need to defend yourself, you’ll be fit enough to do it. Best of all, you’ll look more confident and feel more confident, which is a huge deterrent to anyone planning harm.
- Being safer by being stronger is more than just defending yourself from others, it also prevents injuries from doing every day tasks. You’ll be functionally fitter when you get stronger, no matter whether you’re a male or female.
- At the Worx by Maia, we offer a free week of boot camp to let you see how great getting strong and fit can feel. Try it. You’ll be hooked on that feeling.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx by Maia
How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner
We have a lot of variety at The Worx in Alexandria, VA, that should help keep your interest and we take a great deal of pride in the motivation we provide. If you’re just starting a workout and healthy eating program, it can be overwhelming and you may need more to stay motivated as a beginner. Don’t worry, there are a number of things you can do until fitness and healthy eating become a habit and something you’ll look forward to doing.
It’s all about mindset.
How you think of working out makes a difference. If you consider it with dread, you’ll find it’s harder to get yourself to go to the workout. Focus on the positive and identify the things you look forward to when you workout at the gym. Maybe that is the great feeling you get when you’re finishing up or how good you feel knowing you conquered another workout. Start looking forward to it and you’ll be more motivated.
Make sure you have goals you can measure that are short term.
If you want to feel more energized and motivated, you’ll do better if you have goals to accomplish and can accomplish them. Even if your overall goal was to lose 50 pounds and fit into a much smaller clothing size, that won’t help you stay motivated the first few weeks or months, since it’s a long term goal. Break your goal down to smaller goals and have a few that have nothing to do with results, such as weight or inch loss. Track your healthy eating and workout schedule, making it a goal to stick with it for a week without vary. You can measure that and celebrate in just one week when you’ve accomplished that goal.
Workout with a friend.
If you have a workout buddy, that’s even better. You can keep each other motivated. Not only does a workout buddy make you accountable for working out that day by meeting you at the gym, they actually make it a lot more fun. You have someone to share your successes with and someone to complain to when the going gets rough. A buddy reinforces the accountability that a trainer provides.
- Make your workout part of your schedule. If you don’t put your workout into your schedule, chances are, you’ll start skipping it and end up quitting. If it’s in your schedule you make it as important as any other appointment.
- Create a routine and stick with it. No matter when you choose to workout, create a routine to help you stick with the program. Get your clothes out, fill your water bottle and get dressed for starters. If you follow the same procedure each day, it all becomes automatic.
- Post messages to yourself that remind you why you started the program in the first place. Maybe you started so you could lose weight and look better or maybe it was for health. Put it on a post-it or put a picture or phrase that represents the goal you hope to attain.
- Come into The Worx if you want motivation. We’ll help you stay rev’d up and provide a program that gets fast results. If you want the biggest potential motivation, it’s getting results.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
Fun Ways To Improve Your Fitness
While I love our P90X training, some of our members swear by the small group training or Beach Body Live events as the most fun. It’s important to enjoy what you do and also to try new things to get fit. In fact, finding more fun ways to improve your fitness is a great addition to any fitness program. It creates variety that even makes your normal workout more enjoyable because you aren’t doing the same thing every day.
Have you considered rock climbing or hiking as an alternative to working out.
You might not want to go rock climbing every day or hike through the hills, but both activities will certainly add to your overall fitness. If you go to the gym every other day, use your days off to do active things when you can. It’s one of the reasons you’re working out, so you have the energy for more fun in your life. The best type of workout from hiking comes when you tackle uneven terrain and keep a brisk pace.
A night of dancing can be fun and a great workout.
Going out to boogie down can burn tons of calories, boost your flexibility and improve your stamina. You do have to make sure you do a ton of dancing. Just sitting at the table and ordering a drink or two is counterproductive. Stick with water or just one drink to help keep calories down. Go with someone who loves to dance so you aren’t warming the chair all night. If going out to dance isn’t your thing, turn on the music loud and dance at home. Get the whole family involved. It doesn’t have to look fantastic, just be energetic.
Swimming is perfect when you want to burn calories and enjoy the day.
Whether you hit the beach or go to a pool, doing laps can be enjoyable and provide great exercise. Some pools offer water aerobics, but if your favorite spot doesn’t, you can use your gym workout in the water. It will definitely be tougher when you try it in water. You can also play water games, such as water polo or race the kids across the pool.
- Get out in nature and enjoy a walk, run or bike ride. Vary the speed and you’ll create a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout by walking, running or bike riding at top speed for a few minutes and then going at recovery speed for a few minutes.
- Shoot hoops with the kids or play a rousing game of tag or hide and seek. Playing with the kids can be super active and exercise can give you the energy to do it. However, doing it can also be great exercise.
- Try Parkour. You’ve seen kids do it. They use the environment as their training tool. From jumping over tables to trying to run up a wall, Parkour can be a lot of fun, but you have to use common sense and safety, too.
- Take adult gymnastics or adult ballet classes. Both of these will get you into shape, while providing an outlet that’s fun and gives you a special talent you can show off to friends.
For more information, contact us today at The Worx
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