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Fitness & Wellness

Tips To Lose The Baby Fat

If you’ve recently had a baby and are like most women, you’re probably looking for tips to lose the baby fat that are quick and simple. Quick is not an option unfortunately, especially when your body is already struggling to get hormone balances reset and you’re probably exhausted. However, simple can be one of the features that might make you feel better. It’s all about consistency. One aid that has helped many women be more active is a postpartum wrap. The decision to use one should be between you and your doctor. While shedding your extra baby weight is important, your first priority should always be to helping your body recover from the trauma of pregnancy and delivery, enjoying and caring for your little one and adjusting to the new role of mom.

Just move.

You don’t have to do anything strenuous right away. In fact, you shouldn’t. However, taking the baby out for a walk in a bassinet stroller where he or she can lay flat and strolling around the park or even just around the block, for about 20 minutes can be a healthy way to begin your workout routine. Bad weather shouldn’t stop you if you have a mall near you. Go early in the morning before the shopping crowd arrives. Worse case scenario, walk the baby around the house, either held in your arms or in a stroller. Save the tough workout for later, about six weeks later, based on your doctor’s recommendation. There are no magic numbers, just guidelines. Everyone is different. However, short walks are also great stress reducers, so you’ll actually feel better and be less frazzled.

Turn your walk into a HIIT workout.

Okay, I know I said nothing strenuous, but this is an idea I loved from Kristen Horler, the founder of Baby Boot Camp. It’s perfect for everyone, since it allows you to go at your own pace, lets you take the baby with you and gets the right amount of exercise. It is a version of taking the baby out in a bassinet stroller or stroller that allows the baby to lay flat, but with an HIIT twist. Warm up with five minutes of moderate speed walking. Walk 30 seconds at a challenging pace and then slow it down for 60 seconds. Adjust your pace and time as you get fitter.

Eat smart.

Consuming junk food isn’t going to make you thinner or healthier. Don’t have it in the house. You’ll probably be ravenous for sugar, especially when you’re up all night with the baby. Have healthy snacks ready. If mom or friends come to help or want to know what you would like, ask them for some healthy snacks you can munch on every time you feed the baby. It will help you get through the day without feeling ravenous. If you have a super helper, key them in on your plan for healthier whole food meals, just in case they want to cook for you.

  • If weather permits, besides taking a walk outside, go out and sit in the sun with the baby. Take a few minutes just to relax. You need it and deserve that time.
  • When the baby’s asleep, take a nap, too. Don’t worry about housework. It will all get done when you’re feeling less frazzled.
  • Prepare vegetables ahead of time. Buy baby carrots, prepare celery, broccoli and cauliflower and have them on hand. Make a dip from Greek yogurt or have hummus as a dip for a quick snack.
  • Always remember, this is the most important time for you and baby. Make that first six weeks about both of you and your relationship with baby, but take ten minutes for yourself every day. It can be when baby sleeps or when your partner takes the lead on baby care.

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