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Fitness & Wellness

Is It Really Possible To Get A Flat Stomach?

A six-pack, great abs, a flat tummy are all the same and something almost everyone envies. After all, it’s easy to bulge out your belly, but no matter how hard you try, if you’re not in shape, no matter how hard you suck in your tummy, you’ll never get a flat stomach. It’s not magic and there’s no quick fix. Achieving a flat stomach takes work and dedication.

There’s no such thing as spot reducing.

If you could really exercise away only certain troubled areas, everyone would have the body they want with minimum effort. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. If you have excess pounds in the form of fat, then you have to lose it. No matter what you do, you can’t dictate exactly where those pounds are going to be lost. In fact, your body dictates that. Most of the excess weight will be lost evenly on your body, but there are some pesky pounds that are reluctant to leave called visceral fat. Where is it located? You guessed it! Right around the middle.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat.

Visceral fat lands in the belly area and hangs on for dear life despite your efforts to rid yourself of it. It crowds the organs and makes you more susceptible to serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes. There’s good news on the horizon, however. You can get rid of it, it’s a wee bit tougher than normal fat. When you’re working on weight loss, cut out sugar and sugary drinks like cola that add to the problem. Even diet cola can be an offender. Eat more protein, cut the carbs (like bread and pasta–stick with veggies and fruit) and get plenty of fiber (that’s where veggies and fruit fit in).

Bring out the big guns and start an exercise program.

You need to replace fat with lean muscle tissue. While you’re working on a healthy eating plan, you can start a program of exercise. Do all types of exercises, including strength-training, endurance training, flexibility exercises and exercises that improve balance. As you build muscle tissue throughout your body, you’ll be burning more calories, since muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does.

  • Remember, even if you build the most powerful abs in the world, if they’re covered with a layer of fat, nobody will know.
  • While cardio is an effective way to burn fat, weight training works extremely well and the muscles you build help you lose even more weight. Don’t worry that you’ll bulk up if you’re a woman. Mother Nature prevents that by providing hormones that won’t let you do it. You’ll just look toned.
  • When you’re not working out in the gym, try going for a bike ride. Riding a bike can help get your muscles get in shape and the abs stabilize you while riding, so they’ll get a workout too.
  • Don’t expect overnight miracles. It may take months before you see a change, depending on how much weight you have to lose. It will be worth it when you do.

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