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Workouts That Burn Fat Fast

If you’re searching for a workout that maximizes your time in the gym and burns fat fast, you’re like most people who exercise. You want to change your body composition to more lean muscle mass and maybe shed extra weight. Not all exercises are equal when it comes to fat burning. Intense exercise tends to fare better than other types. The problem with an intense workout is that you can’t maintain the intensity for long. You need a break to let your heart rate recover.

HIIT—high-intensity interval training—overcomes the problem and shortens your exercise time.

HIIT is not a specific exercise but a way of doing any exercise. You push toward peak intensity for a minute or two and follow it with a recovery pace of equal time or longer to lower your heart rate. Then you switch back to peak intensity and volley between the two the entire workout. It shortens your time in the gym and burns fat. It continues to burn calories hours after you quit. It’s called afterburn and occurs because your body works hard to return to normal.

Build muscle and burn fat with strength training.

Women often shy away from strength training. They fear they’ll get bulging muscles and start to look like the Incredible Hulk without the green skin. Whether or not you’re trying to lose fat, everyone should include strength training in their workout, along with cardio, flexibility, and balance. Unlike cardio, which burns calories from fat and muscle, strength training builds muscles and burns fat. You can use weights or do bodyweight exercises. Weighted squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and burpees help both muscle building and fat burning.

Do circuit training.

Combine exercises to create a set. You could do ten repetitions of squats, ten repetitions of burpees, 60 seconds of jumping rope, and ten repetitions of walking lunges. Take a short rest and repeat the set. Do as many as you can. Each time you do the circuit training, try to shorten your rest time or increase the number of repetitions.

  • You need more than exercise to get the best results. You need a healthy diet, too. If you’re eating high-calorie junk food, you can’t exercise enough to burn fat or all the calories you consumed.
  • You won’t burn fat by diet alone, even though you might lose weight. If you diet and don’t exercise, your body uses muscle and fat to offset the deficit energy. The less muscle tissue you have, the harder it is to lose weight. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat.
  • Kettlebell workouts are exceptional for burning fat. You get an intense workout that’s full-body. It works your abs and core muscles. It builds flexibility and strength. Like HIIT workouts, you burn more calories in less time.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program. Get adequate sleep to maximize results. When you sleep, your body recovers. Recovery is when the real magic takes place.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

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