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Fitness & Wellness

Hectic Can Still Be Healthy?

If your day keeps you running at top speed and your day is hectic, it doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy. Living healthier doesn’t have to take a lot of extra time. There are even things you can do to make your life a little easier. It does mean making some changes to develop routines that create healthier habits. Each person is different and so are the lifestyle changes for a healthier life. You might need to improve your diet, exercise more, or get more sleep. Here are easy-to-adopt ideas to help you.

Find ways to increase your activity.

Maybe you don’t have a half hour or hour to devote to regular exercise, but you do have several ten-minute windows throughout the day. Take advantage of those times. There are short exercise routines you can do anywhere. You can do squats beside your desk, get off the bus before your stop and walk the rest of the way, or do leg lifts or bicycles at your desk. Get up early and do five minutes of stretching with a few calisthenics. Walk for ten minutes at lunch and do ten minutes of exercise or play with the kids for ten minutes when you get home.

Eat healthier as you save time and money.

If you’ve never tried meal planning, you should. You plan meals one day, shop on another, and on the third, cook everything for the week. You use many ingredients in several meals, such as chicken breasts one night, chicken salad on another, and chicken casserole on the third. Prep all fresh fruit and vegetables when you get home from the grocery. You can use them in cooking and have some left for snacks. When it’s mealtime, take the food out of the freezer or refrigerator to heat and eat. It’s faster than waiting in the drive-through line, healthier, and cheaper.

Have a sleep schedule and stick with it.

Adequate sleep is necessary for a healthy body. When you sleep, your body heals, and your brain does housekeeping and repair. People who lack sleep are prone to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Create a sleep schedule and stick with it on the weekend. Most people require between 7 and 9 hours, so see what works best for you. Turn off all electronics and sleep in a dark, cool room for the deepest sleep.

  • Have healthy snacks you can carry with you. Something as simple as an apple or banana can boost your energy. A handful of nuts or homemade trail mix are other options.
  • Learn relaxation techniques and take a minute or two during the day to practice them. Once you conquer meditation or relaxation, you’ll quickly calm your mind and body. The calmer your mind, the more you can accomplish.
  • Switch from soft drinks to water, green tea, or black coffee. Soft drinks drive up blood sugar, increasing your energy rapidly. It drops just as quickly. Studies show people who drink green tea live longer.
  • Get up and move about every 50 minutes if your job is at a desk. Studies show sitting for long periods eliminates many of the health benefits of your exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

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