
How To Get Your Kids To Exercise

How To Get Your Kids To Exercise

Every parent wants a healthy child, but unfortunately, modern childhood doesn’t promote it. Instead of running outside playing, kids spend hours in front of a computer screen, watching videos or playing games. Kids need to move to develop muscles and build strong bodies. Teaching kids to be active at an early age can be the groundwork for a healthier life. There are ways to get kids to exercise that are fun and every parent can do.

Kids learn what they live.

Are you a good role model for your kids or are you also a couch potato that’s addicted to streaming videos or social media? Do you drive the kids to school when it’s just a few blocks to walk them? You set the pace and determine many of the options for activity. Do things that increase activity levels for both you and your children. Put away your phone or close your computer and make it time for active play. Start an exercise program and invite the kids to join you. Make it fun, so they’ll want to do it.

Start early and build on it.

You don’t have to wait until kids are ready for school to encourage them to be more active. If you’re working out, get your toddler involved. Toddlers can do some simple moves like walking lunges and deep knee bends. You need to focus on your form, but don’t worry about theirs. Just make it fun and give your child attention. Keep your child’s attention by changing exercises frequently and doing circuits. When the child is older, make exercise time part of every day.

Have fun while you’re staying active.

Forced exercise is a big turn-off. Make an active lifestyle fun. Ride bikes together, go for walks, or play a game of basketball. Get the neighborhood families involved with a hula-hoop competition or just have one for your family. An old favorite, jumping rope, can find renewed life when kids realize how much fun it can be. Take the kids to the playground and supervise their play, joining them occasionally by pushing the merry-go-round or swinging.

  • When purchasing gifts, make the gift lead to an active lifestyle. Get a bike instead of a PlayStation. Give a treat for the whole family, with bikes or a trampoline, or an active vacation.
  • Make your active lifestyle educational. Spending a whole day walking in a museum or through a botanical garden provides both. Take the kids rock hunting or looking for shells on the beach.
  • Eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep, and hydrating regularly are also healthy habits to develop. Make sure the hydration is water or infused water, not a sugary drink. Even fruit juice can spike sugar levels.
  • Change your habits and it will rub off on the kids. Park further from the store and walk or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Spend less time on the computer or watching TV.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

Is Yoga Good For New Moms?

Is Yoga Good For New Moms?

I hear new moms in Alexandria, VA, bemoan the fact they can’t get their shape back overnight. Having been a new mom, I understand the frustration. However, pushing your body too hard or expecting immediate results can set you back. Your body needs healing time. It also took nine months for the change, so you won’t see it change back overnight. How do you protect your body, waiting at least six weeks or longer for health reasons, and still start the process of getting back into shape? You can start with walking or pelvic floor exercises, and then move to gentle exercises like yoga.

Yoga can help reduce the potential for postpartum depression.

Yoga can be strenuous or gentle, but either way, you’re getting exercise, and exercise can help prevent depression. It helps quiet the mind, allowing it to clear and provide deep relaxation. When the session ends, people find they’re calmer and have more clarity. Yoga provides the mother with time for herself to nurture her body back to fitness. If it’s group yoga, it provides the new mother with social interaction and time to share with other mothers. The deep breathing and meditative state of yoga brings calm at a time when many new moms feel out of control.

Yoga gets the body back to normal more quickly.

Yoga builds muscles. It doesn’t build the type of muscles on a bodybuilder, but strong, lean muscle tissue that builds the strength to get through all the tasks of a new Mother’s Day. It improves energy levels so moms get more done in less time. That’s a real blessing with all that new mothers have to do. It also helps posture to improve.

Not all poses are beneficial initially.

Right after childbirth, the body is subject to diastasis recti—abdominal muscle separation. It leaves women with a Buddha belly or mummy tummy that makes them look like they’re still pregnant. To avoid that, postpone doing exercises like crunches that put pressure on the abs or stretch them, like twisting exercises. Exercises with the belly facing down can also cause a gravitational tug on the loose muscles and stretch the midsection. Save yoga poses like the plank, cat, or cow exercises for later.

  • A child pose is an excellent yoga pose to reduce chest, neck, or head pain. It also strengthens the pelvic floor. Combine it with Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.
  • Is back pain a problem/ Try the bridge pose. It’s the same in yoga as it is in traditional workouts. Lay on your back, knees bent and arms to the sides. Lift your buttocks off the floor until the body forms a straight line.
  • Another yoga pose that can be done as soon as exercising is allowed is the cow face pose. The cow face pose stretches the neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. It also stretches the hips and reduces tension all over your body.
  • No matter what type of postpartum exercise program you do, take it easy at first and always follow the recommendations of your health care professional.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

Ways To Keep Mentally Fit

Ways To Keep Mentally Fit

It’s just as important to be mentally fit as it is to be physically fit. If you’re not mentally fit, attaining physical fitness is almost impossible. The two are interlinked. When you improve your body, it helps your mind and the reverse is true. Exercise helps burn off the hormones of stress and sends oxygen and nutrient-laden blood throughout the body. It causes the body to release endorphins that make you feel good. Depression and anxiety can reduce your energy and even cause you to be bedridden. That’s not good for physical or mental fitness. When both the mind and the body are healthy, both function better.

Take it to the gym or dance your night away.

It doesn’t matter what physical activity you do, staying physically active helps your brain. If it’s a social physical activity, like a team sport or a visit to the gym, it promotes social interaction, which is both mentally and physically beneficial. Studies show that people with rich social lives live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Take a mental vacation, and get more sleep.

If you’re under stress and feel ready to explode, take a mental vacation for your mental health. Walk away from what you’re doing if possible and divert your attention. If it’s a project that has a deadline, getting away from it for a half hour can refresh your brain and make you more efficient. Getting adequate sleep is another way to help maintain good mental health. When you sleep, the brain reorganizes, repairs and gets rid of the waste accumulated during the day. You’ll have more energy when you have adequate sleep and can accomplish more.

Learn something new.

Getting out of your comfort zone and trying something different can be exciting. It can be as simple as going to a new restaurant or eating food you’ve never tasted. Making changes keeps the brain connections strong while stimulating the creation of new brain cells. Expanding your knowledge and trying new things can help keep you mentally and physically younger.

  • Laugh more. Scientists found that laughter can help trigger the immune system, and some groups even use laughter as an adjunct therapy. It helps reduce stress, increases oxygen intake, and improves your immune system. Laughter is an excellent coping mechanism for those with chronic disease.
  • Fake it until you make it. It doesn’t matter if you break out in a belly laugh or a chuckle. It will initially feel silly, but the more you practice laughing, the realer it will become.
  • Be more positive. Handle the things you can control and accept those you can’t. Know you can handle anything, regardless of the outcome. Working toward an outcome helps you reach that outcome, worrying about an outcome just stresses you.
  • Look on the bright side and be grateful. When you look for the bad things in life, you find them. The same is true when you look for all the blessings you have. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way in boosting your mental fitness.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

Full Strength Workouts Without The Gym

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