Melt Your Fat Away
Don’t you wish there were a method to simply melt your fat away? Well there is, but it’s a little more complicated than just sitting in a sauna to melt it. It involves a program of regular exercise and a healthy diet. A healthy diet does more than just provide more nutrients, it also lower caloric intake, even though you may be eating more than you did previously. That’s because you’re making smarter food choices. Regular exercise helps burn extra calories, but does even more than that to help you lose weight and keep it from returning.
Regular exercise builds muscle tissue.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to eat all the time and never gain weight? Some people say they just have a good metabolism. You don’t have to envy them, but can build your own calorie burning furnace by exercising on a regular basis. You see, exercise builds muscle tissue and burns fat tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does. So, the more muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn.
Eating healthier isn’t dieting. DIETS DON’T WORK!
If you’ve ever been on a diet, you probably remember just how deprived you felt. It was probably restrictive and may even have been a fad diet that consisted of some “miracle” food. Most people on a diet are always hungry, too. The worse part of dieting is that it ends. At that point, you go back to eating the way you did before and that’s what put the weight on in the first place. Sometimes extremely low calorie diets even slow your metabolism, so when it ends, you not only regain the weight you lost, you gain even more. Eating healthier provides a wide selection of food. However, you’ll learn to make substitutions that really won’t affect the flavor, such as brown rice for white rice. It’s all the small changes you make that add up to big calorie savings.
Exercise regularly to burn off the unhealthy hormones created by stress.
Early man benefited greatly from the changes created by stress. In those days, attack from a wild animal was a stress and the hormones prepared their body to fight or for flight. Today, it’s not that simple. We don’t run or fight when the boss is angry, traffic slows or babies cry, even though it might seem like a relief to do so. The hormones never are burned and cause many negative changes. In fact, cortisol, one of the hormones from stress, is associated with the accumulation of abdominal fat. Exercise burns off those hormones and puts you back to normal. That can also help prevent stress eating.
You’ll develop more energy the fitter you become. The more energy you have, the more you’ll do and the more calories you’ll burn. It’s a wonderful cycle.
You’ll sleep better at night. Not only does that give you more energy and help prevent serious illnesses, it also helps you steer clear of sugary treats because you won’t need them to keep you awake.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll lose weight when you workout with a personal trainer. That’s because trainers create a program that burns the most calories the quickest.
You’ll look slimmer, even if you don’t shed a pound. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue does, so one pound of muscle takes up less space than one pound of fat. You’ll be losing inches besides losing pounds.
Get The Confidence Boost You Need
If you want to get the confidence boost you need, consider adding a workout program to your daily activities. While reading motivational books and practicing their teachings may help, if something is still missing, exercising may be the answer. When you workout, several things happen. The first is that you burn off the hormones created by stress that leave you feeling unsure, uncomfortable and sometimes fearful. It can help immediately. These hormones come from the fight or flight response created by stress, which was excellent when stress came from an attack by a wild animal or enemy, where running or fighting was important, but not so great when it comes from a crying baby, traffic jam or angry boss.
Build muscles and lose weight with regular exercise.
You’ll start to notice the excess pounds fall off your body. That can be a huge confidence boost. Your clothing will fit looser even if you don’t lose weight. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so the more muscular you are, the thinner you look. Better yet, the more muscle you start to develop, the easier it is to lose weight. Muscle tissue also requires more calories for maintenance, so essentially, you’ll be boosting your metabolism.
You’ll walk taller and have better posture.
Being fit gives you presence. That could also read being fit gives you presents! The first presence is the commanding presence you’ll develop that speaks louder than any words. It’s the posture you build and the way you carry yourself that says you’re in charge. Of course, the second presents are the gifts of good health and feeling of well being that comes with regular exercise.
The stronger you feel, the more confidence you seem to have.
Not only will you walk taller and look more confident, you’ll feel more confident too. One of my clients worked in a male dominated occupation in sales. She knew she had to bring more to the table than they did. She was small, but ready to make the most of everything she had available. Part of her plan was to become stronger, even though the job was more mental than physical since it was sales. Not only did that make her feel more confident, it made her look more confident. Clients recognized that confidence and it boosted her sales beyond her male competitors.
You’ll not only burn off stress hormones, you’ll replace those with ones that make you feel good about yourself and the world around you.
You’ll have an improved self-image. One study showed that people often improved their self-image just by starting a program of regular exercise…even before they saw results.
You’ll be more energetic. When you’re too tired to do anything, you often take a negative look at life. The more energy you have, the better you will feel about everything in general, including yourself.
You’ll look fantastic and see a difference quickly with the right program. Results are one thing that can boost your confidence and give you an improved mental picture of yourself.
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