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At-Home Workouts For Abs

Whether you’re going to the beach or enjoying another fun-in-the-sun activity, more body parts are showing because clothing is more revealing. In Alexandria, VA, people often add to their regular exercise plans with at-home workouts for abs. Strong abdominal muscles help maintain good posture and prevent back pain. Even though you may develop strong abdominal muscles, you won’t have a flat stomach if you have layers of fat covering it, so fat loss is also vital.

You don’t need equipment to do the plank.

Many bodyweight exercises are good abdominal exercises. The plank is an example. It starts with your body face down. Your elbows are directly under the shoulders with your upper body weight resting on the forearms. Lift your entire body, keeping your weight on your forearms and toes. Create tension in your abdomen as you maintain that position as long as possible. You can modify that position and create a high plank by raising your upper body so your arms are straight and your weight rests on your hands.

Stay in plank position and walk like a crab or reach for the sky.

The plank offers versatility. It can be a high plank or low plank, but you can also have some fun with it while you strengthen your abs. Do a crab walk in a high plank position. Walk sideways by moving both the hand and foot on the right one step toward the right, followed by the left hand and foot. Try lifting one hand while in plank position or move forward as other modifications.

Other simple bodyweight exercises strengthen your abs.

You may already know many other at-home ab exercises, like crunches, push-ups, and burpees are a few familiar examples. Burpees are excellent for several reasons. They burn fat that might be hiding your abs. They work your abs but are also a full-body workout. They help improve cardiovascular health, can be done anywhere, and build mental toughness. You’ll maximize your workout time. Doing just 50 burpees, which is tough but doable, gives you the same benefits as running for 30 minutes, yet takes a fraction of the time.

  • Do the ab suction. You won’t sweat doing this exercise, but it’s extremely effective. Bend your knees slightly as you bend over, putting your hand on your knees. Blow all the air out of your lungs and pull in your stomach as tight as possible. Hold it for as long as possible.
  • Do a high intensity interval training—HIIT—workout. HIIT isn’t a specific exercise but a way of doing exercises. You push at maximum intensity for a short period and then switch to a recovery pace for an equal or longer time. It burns tons of calories.
  • Have you tried a bridge to tighten your core muscles and flatten your tummy? Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your bottom until your body forms a straight line from the chin to the knee. Tighten your glutes and abs as you hold them as long as possible.
  • Use simple exercise equipment. A jump rope and a hula hoop aren’t high-tech, but jumping rope and doing the hula hoop can strengthen your core.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

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