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Fitness & Wellness

Summer Time Means Family Fun

There’s still time for fun this summer and time to help steer your family toward a healthier lifestyle. After all, summer means family fun and what a great time to add healthy food and an active lifestyle to the agenda. How are your weekends spent? Sure, some of them are devoted to getting things done that you can’t do during the week, but that shouldn’t stop you from taking time for fun with the family. Get the kids involved with chores with their reward being a fun outing, since the chores are done faster.

Take the meals with you rather than eating on the run.

Eating healthy shouldn’t cost a fortune. It won’t when it comes in a picnic basket or cooler you take with you. Get the kids involved with shopping for your next family trip and take them shopping with you. The produce section is perfect for sweet treats and snacks that are healthy. You can monitor what they eat because you provide the selection. Better yet, take an outing to a U-Pick farm where the kids can help you gather fresh fruit and vegetables for supper, have fun and actually learn a bit about how plants are grown.

Make it a no phone day.

Prying kids away from the computer and out into the fresh air may not be an easy task, but it’s worth it. All cell phones should be shut off, except for one for any emergencies and that one’s yours. Let extended family members or neighbors know that you only accept texts if there’s an emergency as you’re in a no phone call mode for the day. That way diversions are at a minimum.

Plan an active day.

Whether you’re going for a trip to the zoo or nature preserve or an amusement park, it all involves walking and that can be wearing when you’re doing it all day long. Hiking, biking, rock climbing and swimming are also great ways to get the kids exercising, without calling it exercise. If the temperature is high, consider some indoor walking, like going to a museum or aquarium.

  • Enjoy the day and have fun together. Make an active lifestyle and healthy eating part of the fond memories you build with the family.
  • If you’re planning a big trip, like to Disney World or other major park, start the kid walking to help them get ready for the trip. It’s pretty tiring walking all day and getting too tired can spoil the fun.
  • Prepare to have fun with the family, while also staying safe. We provide functional fitness training that will boost your endurance and energy, while helping to prevent injury doing everyday tasks.
  • When you need help developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, TeamWorX can provide it. It not only educates you and clarifies the steps to take, it also keeps you accountable, while you’re learning it.

Want to Learn More About Being Active?

If you’re ready to take the next step, contact me today here or call me at 540-421-8527.

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