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Different Workouts For Different Body Types

You’ve probably heard about various body types before and may even know what type you are. These body types include ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. All bodies require basic exercises to remain limber and strong. They all need exercise to build endurance. It’s all about the focus of those specific workouts. Some focus more on building muscle tissue and reducing fat. Others focus on gaining weight while building muscle. It’s about identifying the body types and what makes each look different and doing exercises that meet those needs.

What are the different body types?

If you’re naturally thin and have a willowy appearance, you’re an ectomorph body type. Bulking up might be your goal. It’s more difficult for this type of body. If your body type is endomorphic, you’re constantly fighting body fat. Your body is wide. You tend to gain weight easier. That doesn’t mean you have to be overweight to be an endomorphic body type. It just means weight gain is easier for you. Burning more calories during your workout might be your goal. Mesomorphs are between the two. Their focus is on traditional workouts that fit their goal.

HIIT workouts help endomorphic bodies.

A HIIT workout burns tons of calories and continues to burn them even after you’re finished exercising. It’s called afterburn. They aren’t a specific exercise or group of exercises but a way of doing any exercise. You push your body to peak intensity for a few minutes, then exercise at a recovery pace for the same time or slightly longer, rotating between the two throughout the session. Doing cardio, like running, is a good way to shed extra pounds.

It’s harder for ectomorphs to build muscle, so focusing on doing that is their modification.

Strength training is vital for ectomorphic bodies. It’s much harder for this body type to build bulk, even though building strength is the same as other body types. Lifting heavier with fewer repetitions builds bulk faster. You need to ensure the weight you lift is enough to exhaust you after doing between five to twelve repetitions. Full-body workouts, like kettlebells, work all the muscles.

  • Mesomorphs are the luckiest of all. They may gain weight, but not as easily as endomorphic body types. They build muscle more easily than ectomorph types. A traditional workout is perfect for them unless they have specific goals.
  • Just because you’re an ectomorphic body type, it doesn’t mean you can eat everything you want. You can still have too much body fat or carry the fat in unhealthy ways, like around your midsection.
  • No matter your body type, you still need all forms of exercise: flexibility, strength, endurance, and balance. Even if your focus is building muscles, don’t work the same muscle groups two days in a row. They need 48 to 72 hours to heal micro-tears.
  • No matter what your goal or body type, we can help you at TeamWorx. Always check with your healthcare professional first before starting any diet or exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness

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